Citation - New York Mercury (Gaine): 1775.09.04

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Index Entry Drummers, in New York militia, fines established to pay for 
Location New York 
4 Sep 1775:13,14,21 (1247)
Rules and Orders for regulating the Militia of the Colony of
New-York, recommended by the Provincial Congress, August 22,
1775. . . [9 rules] X. That in case any person shall refuse,
or neglect to serve as Serjeant, Corporal, or Drummer in any
company, being thereunto requested by the Captain, or
commanding officer, or shall refuse, or neglect to warn the
men to appear under arms, when required by the Captain or
commanding officer, shall for every such neglect, forfeit
the sum of 40s. . . [Rule 11] XII. That the following
penalties be inflicted on those who do not attend and obey
orders on the days appointed for exercise, not having a
reasonable excuse, to be allowed of by the officer
commanding, to wit,. . . [higher officers] Serjeant,
Corporal, Drummer, Fife, and Private, 10s. each, for the
first default, and double for the second; and in case any
person make default three times successively, or refuses to
inlist and do duty, such person shall be advertised and held
up as an enemy to his country. . . [13 more lines] The
monies arising by the fines in any company, to be applied by
the Captains (after paying for drum and fife for the
company) towards purchasing arms. . . [6 more lines, this
paragraph; 13 more rules; signed] By order, P.V.B.
Livingston, President. . . 

Generic Title New York Mercury (Gaine) 
Date 1775.09.04 
Publisher Gaine, Hugh 
City, State New York, NY 
Year 1775 
Bibliography B0030315
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