Citation - New York Mercury (Gaine): 1769.06.12

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Index Entry Balls, in New York, long room of Vaux-hall Gardens available 
Location New York 
12 Jun 1769:33 (920)
Vaux-Hall Gardens, have been newly fitted up in a very
genteel, pleasing manner, are pleasantly situate, and now
open for the reception of ladies, gentlemen, &c, and will be
illuminated every evening in the week; coffee, tea, and hot
rolls at any hour in the day, neat wines and other liquors,
with cakes, as usual.  A concert of musick vocal and
instrumental, will shortly be performed twice every week, of
which due notice will be given.  Contiguous to the garden
there is a very good long room, convenient for a ball, or
turtle entertainment; also dinners or suppers, dressed in
the most elegant manner, on timely notice being given to the
publick's already much obliged, and very humble servant,
Samuel Francis.  *** The gardens would have been opened
earlier in the Spring, but on account of the Theatre.

Generic Title New York Mercury (Gaine) 
Date 1769.06.12 
Publisher Gaine, Hugh 
City, State New York, NY 
Year 1769 
Bibliography B0029985
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