Citation - New York Mercury (Gaine): 1768.01.18

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Index Entry Benefit, concert, for poor debtors in New York, announced 
Location New York 
18 Jan 1768:33 (846)
For the benefit of the poor debtors, in the goal of New-
York; will be perform'd, at Mr. Burns's Assembly-Room, a
concert of vocal and instrumental musick, on Thursday the
21st instant, the vocal parts by Miss Wainwright, Miss
Hallam, and Mr. Woolls.  After the concert, musick will
attend for the ladies, who chuse to dance.  Tickets at 6 s
each, to be had at the Bible and Crown in Hanover-Square,
and at Mr. Burns's. It is to be hoped that all musical
gentlemen in this city will give their assistance in said
concert on this laudable occasion.  All the gentlemen and
ladies, performers, are desired to meet at Mr. Bruns's, on
Tuesday the 19th inst. in the evening, at 6 of the clock, in
order to a rehearsal of said concert. 

Generic Title New York Mercury (Gaine) 
Date 1768.01.18 
Publisher Gaine, Hugh 
City, State New York, NY 
Year 1768 
Bibliography B0029906
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