Citation - New York Mercury (Gaine): 1766.04.28

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Index Entry Bells, in New York, to ring for repeal of Stamp Act 
Location New York 
28 Apr 1766:32 (757)
Advertisement extraordinary.  Great George, and patriot
Pitt, for ever sing.  This is to certify all whom it may
concern, in Europe, Asia, Africa, and America, that all
rejoicings and exhibitions of joy throughout this continent,
on occasion of the repeal of the stamp act, be they general
illuminations, ringing of bells, bonfires, firing of guns,
or other fire-works, will be in duty and loyalty to our most
gracious sovereign, in respect, love and gratitude to his
patriotick ministry, and in honour of the immortal Pitt, and
of the illustrious [  ]; and all those and those only, who
are and were for repealing that detestable act, as
unconstitutional:  And in the highest triumph over, and
contempt of an informal, atheistical, Popish and Jacobite
crew, on both sides of the Atlantic; who, by the kind
providence of almighty God, are totally, and 'tis to be
hoped everlastingly frustrated in their diabolical purposes
towards Great-Britain and her colonies.

Generic Title New York Mercury (Gaine) 
Date 1766.04.28 
Publisher Gaine, Hugh 
City, State New York, NY 
Year 1766 
Bibliography B0029811
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