Citation - New York Mercury (Gaine): 1764.01.16

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Index Entry Ball, in Lisbon, given by British factors for Duke of York 
Location Lisbon 
16 Jan 1764:21 (638)
Lisbon, Oct. 18.   The Duke of York, is lodged in the
secretary of state's house, has the King's equipages, and
was offered a guard [?] was received by the royal family in
the garden at Queblus, a country house of the infant Don
Pedro, and was presented at the concert.   The evening ended
with a comic opera, in a little theatre fitted up merely for
the amusement of the royal family.  His royal highness has
been entertained by the Count de Oeyras, Senhor Dom John,
the high admiral, the archbishop of Evora, the lord chief
justice, and dines to-day with the Count de Villanova.  His
royal highness went to Maira on Saturday, where the royal
family are at present, and returned last night.
  Soon after his royal highness's arrival, the deputy
consul, and four or five of the members deputed from the
British factory, waited upon his highness, and paid their
compliments in a respectful address.  And his royal highness
has since allowed them to entertain him with a ball and
supper:  and now only waits for a fair wind to proceed to

Generic Title New York Mercury (Gaine) 
Date 1764.01.16 
Publisher Gaine, Hugh 
City, State New York, NY 
Year 1764 
Bibliography B0029691
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