Citation - New York Mercury (Gaine): 1763.08.01

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Index Entry Hymns, sung in New York, accompanied by organ at St Paul's Church 
Location New York 
1 Aug 1763:33 (614)
There are many letters in town, in which the distresses of
the frontier inhabitants are set forth in a most striking
manner; but as these letters are pretty much the same, and
it would be endless to insert the whole, the following is
the substance of some of them, as near as we can recollect,
viz. . .. 
  "That the Indians has set fire to houses, barns, corn,
hay, and in short, to every thing that was combustible. . ..

  On Sunday night next, at St. Paul's Church, in this city,
will be preached a charity sermon, by the Rev. Mr. William
MacClenachan; and the money that may be then collected, is
to be applied towards the relief of the above-mentioned
unhappy sufferers, who have been driven from their
habitations by a cruel and blood-thirsty enemy.  Hymns,
suitable to the occasion, will be performed by the organ and
singers. . .. 

Generic Title New York Mercury (Gaine) 
Date 1763.08.01 
Publisher Gaine, Hugh 
City, State New York, NY 
Year 1763 
Bibliography B0029667
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