Citation - New York Mercury (Gaine): 1762.03.01

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Index Entry Books, Spiritual Songs [t (Mason)], for sale by Gaine, Hugh 
Location New York 
1 Mar 1762:11 (500)
Hugh Gaine, bookseller, printer and stationer, at the Bible
and Crown, in Hanover-Square, has imported in the last
vessels from London, a very good assortment of books and
stationary, among which are the following, viz. . . 
3.  Watts's works compleat, in 6 vols. quarto.
4.  Watts's psalms, hymns, and lyric poems. . . 
12. Sermons on various subjects, divine and moral, with a
sacred hymn suited to each subject.  In 2 vols.  By Isaac
13. Twelve discourses upon some practical parts of Solomon's
song.  By William Romaine. . . 
23. Spiritual Songs:  or, Songs of Praise with Penetential
Cries to Almighty God upon Several Occasions. By Mr. Mason.
. . 

Generic Title New York Mercury (Gaine) 
Date 1762.03.01 
Publisher Gaine, Hugh 
City, State New York, NY 
Year 1762 
Bibliography B0029593
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