Citation - New York Mercury (Gaine): 1755.02.03

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Index Entry Anthem, by Unison, Mr, sung in five parts by 50 charity children 
Location New York 
3 Feb 1755:12 (130)
The 30th of January last, being the anniversary of the
martyrdom, of that devout Prince, of pious and ever blessed
memory, King Charles the 1st. . .
  Mr. Allegro, master of the charity school, [m]arch'd in
procession with 150 of the charity children, all cloathed in
a decent uniform of blue, to St. George's Chappel, where a
very solemn anthem, set to music by Mr. Unison, organist of
the said chappel, was sung, suitable to the occasion, in
five parts, by 50 of the charity children. . . 

Generic Title New York Mercury (Gaine) 
Date 1755.02.03 
Publisher Gaine, H. 
City, State New York, NY 
Year 1755 
Bibliography B0029217
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