Citation - New York Journal-New York: 1774.11.24

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Index Entry Bull, Amos, singing master, opens school in New York 
Location New York 
24 Nov 1774:11 (1664)
Psalmody.  The subscriber having for many years taught
psalmody in several parts of New-England, where he flatters
himself he had the approbation of the most competent judges,
now offers himself in that capacity ot the gentlemen and
ladies of this city, who, it is to be hoped will give such
encouragement, to this his undertaking, as shall enable him
to carry into execution his intention of teaching an art so
truly noble and divine.  Such a place for opening his school
will be provided, as shall be entirely satisfactory to the
subscribers, to whom he proposes to give at least two
lessons in a week, for one dollar entrance, and three
dollars per quarter.  Gentlemen and ladies may be taught at
their own houses, for one guinea entrance, and one guinea
per quarter.--Subscriptions are taken in by Mr. James
Seagrove, Mr. John Blagge, Messrs. Corsa and Bull, and by
the printer hereof.  Those who will favour an institution so
eminently calculated to inspire us with a fervent zeal for
the divinity, by becoming subscribers, will much oblige the
publick's most obedient humble servant, Amos Bull.  N.B.
Said Bull may be spoke with at Mrs. Pine's, in Maiden Lane. 
He intends opening his school by the first of December next,
or sooner if the subscription is full.

Generic Title New York Journal-New York 
Date 1774.11.24 
Publisher Holt, John 
City, State New York, NY 
Year 1774 
Bibliography B0028841
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