Citation - New York Journal-New York: 1774.11.03

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Index Entry Music, in New Brunswick, sung by townspeople, Queen's College commencement 
Location New Brunswick 
3 Nov 1774:33 (1661)
New Brunswick,October 14th, 1774.  On Wednesday last the
first public commencement of Queen's College was held here. 
The Rev. J. R. Hardenbergh, officiated by appointmen of the
Board of Trustees as President for the day.  Mr. Matthew
Light, of New-Brunswick, was the only candidate for the
degree of Batchelor of Arts, who delivered orations in
Latin; Dutch and English with high applause. . . . [List of
A number of ladies and gentlemen of this town between the
exercises entertained the audience with excellent vocal
music, and the whole was conducted in a manner that gave
satisfaction to a very numerous and respectable assembly. .
. [1 paragraph]

Generic Title New York Journal-New York 
Date 1774.11.03 
Publisher Holt, John 
City, State New York, NY 
Year 1774 
Bibliography B0028838
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