Citation - New York Journal-New York: 1773.06.17

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Index Entry Actor, Cheer, Miss, to play Kitty in High Life Below Stairs [t] 
Location New York 
17 Jun 1773:33 (1589)
Theatre.  The play for this night, is postpon'd on account
of Mr. Hallam's indisposition-- But for the benefit of Miss
Cheer and Mr. Woolls, by permission of his Excellency the
Governor, at the Theatre in John-Street, on Monday June
21st, will be presented, a masque, written by Milton, author
of Paradise Lost, call'd 
Comus by Mr. Henry,  The Lady by Miss Cheer. 
In act III, for the Court of Comus; The Transparent Scenes.
Dancing by Mr. Francis.
To which will be added, 
High Life Below Stairs.
Kitty, by Miss Cheer.
[End] of the farce, by particular desire, A ---[   ] Anthem,
by Mr. Woolls.

Generic Title New York Journal-New York 
Date 1773.06.17 
Publisher Holt, John 
City, State New York, NY 
Year 1773 
Bibliography B0028766
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