Citation - New York Journal-New York: 1772.09.03

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Index Entry Concert, in New York, announced, to accompany Lecture on Heads [t] 
Location New York 
3 Sep 1772:33 (1548)
(By permission.) At the particular request of some ladies of
distinction.  The exhibitor of the Lecture on Heads,
acquaints the ladies and gentlemen, that this evening, the
exhibition and concert will be again repeated, (at the
Assembly Room in the Broad-Way,) the principal songs from
Mr. Handel's oratorios, with Sig. Martini's three grand
concerto's, and the following syllabus in three parts.
  Part I.  Alexander the Great--Cherokee Chief--Quack
Doctor--Cuckhold--Lawyer--Humorous Oration in praise of Law-
-Horse Jockies--Nobody--Lottery of Life--Nobody's--
Somebody's--Anybody's--and Everybody's--Coats of Arms.
  Part II.  Ladies Heads--Riding Hood--Ranelagh Hood--
Billingsgate--Laughing and Crying Philosophers--Venus's
Girdle--Cleopatra--French Night Cap--Face Painting--Old
Maid--Young Married Lady--Old Bachelor--Lass of Spirit--Two
hats contrasted--And two Heads contrasted--With a Satyrical
Poem call'd the Heroines, or Modern Memoirs of some (well
known) English Ladies of Fashion.
  Part III. Physical Wig--Dissertation on Sneezing and
Snuff-taking--Life of a Blood--Woman of the Town--City
Politician humourously described--Gambler's Three Faces--
Life and Death of a Wit--with a Tabernacle Harangue--To
conclude with an occasional Epilogue.
  The exhibiter thinks it needless to say any thing in
favour of these well known and much admired lectures; but,
begs leave to acquaint the ladies and gentlemen, that he
flatters himself with being able to produce a musical
genius, who, for his vocal abilities, is not inferior, (if
equalled,) to any publick performer on this side the
Atlantic --Tickets to be had of Mr. James Rivington,
bookseller, in Wall-Street--Mr. Hugh Gaine, Printer, in
Hanover-Square--Mr. John Holt, Printer, in Dock-Street--The
merchant's Coffee-House, and at Mr. Hull's tavern, in the
Broad-Way--Price one dollar each, to begin at seven o'clock.

Generic Title New York Journal-New York 
Date 1772.09.03 
Publisher Holt, John 
City, State New York, NY 
Year 1772 
Bibliography B0028725
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