Citation - New York Journal-New York: 1771.03.28

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Index Entry Church music, by Tuckey, William, subscription offered for two choral pieces 
Location New York 
28 Mar 1771:33 (1473)
Proposals for publishing (by subscription) two select pieces
of church music.  1st. An hymn, (by way of an anthem)
consisting of solos, duets, one trio, and 4 chorusses;
together with a psalm tune, adapted for any charitable
church colletion, and first design'd for the benefit of the
Free-School belonging to Trinity Church, in New-York, to be
perform'd in the churches at the annual collection; the
school being chiefly supported by charity; the words of the
hymn, by a gentleman of King's College.  2.  A performance
adapted for a funeral, consisting of three dirges, (or
chorusses) the words, part of the burial service; together
with an anthem, and a psalm tune suitable on the solemnity
of a funeral or interment of any person of note, &c. The
whole never yet perform'd, being very lately set to music,
by William Tuckey, for some years a professor of the theory
and practice of vocal music, vicar choral of the cathedral
church of Bristol, and clerk of the parish of St. Mary Port
in said city, now resident in New-York.  The subscriber to
pay two shillings at the time of subscribing, and two
shillings more on the delivery of the work (New-York-
currency) which is to be neatly engrav'd on copper plates,
and worked off on the best paper: And when ready to be
deliver'd notice will be inserted in the New-York,
Philadelphia, and Boston papers. The subscribers to be at
the expence of sending their subscriptions, and for their
books to New-York, either to either to Hugh Gaine, printer,
or the proprietor, William Tuckey.   N.B. No more will be
work'd off than what are subscribed for, so that none will
be sold by any bookseller but those who subscribe, who will
be intitled to the usual discount.

Generic Title New York Journal-New York 
Date 1771.03.28 
Publisher Holt, John 
City, State New York, NY 
Year 1771 
Bibliography B0028650
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