Citation - New York Journal-New York: 1770.10.04

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Index Entry Handel: Messiah [t], performed for charity service in New York 
Location New York 
4 Oct 1770:31 (1448)
Yesterday, for the benefit of that benevolent and necessary
institution, the corporation for the relief of the widows
and children of clergymen in the communion of the church of
England in America, at Trinity church, in this city, before
a numerous audience, consisting of most of the principal
inhabitants, &c. and at which about twenty eight clergymen
of the church of England of this and the neighbouring
colonies attended, an excllent sermon on these words, The
4th chapter of the 2d book of Kings, verse the 1st. . .
.[quotation from book of Kings] was preached by the Rev. Dr.
Auchmuty, Rector of the church.  Several pieces of church
musick, before the sermon, and after it part of the
celebrated Mr. Handel's Oratorio of the Messiah were
performed by a considerable number of male and female
voices, accompanied with the organ, very much to the general
satisfaction of the audience. A considerable sum was
collected for the benefit of the charity.

Generic Title New York Journal-New York 
Date 1770.10.04 
Publisher Holt, John 
City, State New York, NY 
Year 1770 
Bibliography B0028625
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