Citation - New York Journal-New York: 1769.09.21

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Index Entry Arne, pieces in music collection for sale 
Location New York 
21 Sep 1769:33 (1394)
To be let, at Mrs. Tanner's, milliner, in Smith-Street; two
genteel rooms; a lodging room, and the use of a garret and
kitchen, [   ] required;--likewise to be disposed of, the
time of a lad, six years and upwards to come.  Also, at the
above place, there is to be sold cheap,--a choice collection
of music, by the most eminent composers, such as Handel,
Arne, Corelli Geminiani, &c. &c. &c.

Generic Title New York Journal-New York 
Date 1769.09.21 
Publisher Holt, John 
City, State New York, NY 
Year 1769 
Bibliography B0028569
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