Citation - New York Journal-New York: 1769.09.14

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Index Entry Bells, in New York, rung for funeral of Governor Moore 
Location New York 
14 Sep 1769:32 (1393)
[Previous description of Sir Henry Moore, Governor of New
York, who had just died.] The Governor's remains were
interred the evening of the next day, in the chancel of
Trinity Church.  The corps was preceded by the 16th
regiment, the Charity School boys, and then by the clergy of
all persuasions.--His Majesty's Council supported the pall.-
-His Excellency General Gage and Lord Drummond followed
among the mourning relations; and in the suit were the
physicians, the judges, the mayor, magistrates and whole
corporation, the members of the General Assembly, the field
officers, the captains of his Majesty's ships of war, and
the General's staff, the commissioners for settling the line
of partition, between this and the colony of New-Jersey, the
Surveyor General and officers of the customs, the Attorney
General and gentlemen of the law, the faculty of King's
College, and the principal inhabitants of the city.--The
artillery brought up the rear. --From the moment he expired,
all the colours in the harbour were half-hoisted, --all the
bells tolled a great part of the day.--Minute guns were
fired, during the procession from the Fort to the church,
which was illuminated.--The military honours were paid with
a striking solemnity; and every mark of respect shewn, which
the rank and station of the deceased required, and which
became an afflicted, grateful and affectionate people.--

Generic Title New York Journal-New York 
Date 1769.09.14 
Publisher Holt, John 
City, State New York, NY 
Year 1769 
Bibliography B0028568
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