Citation - New York Journal-New York: 1769.07.13

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Index Entry Anacreontick Song, on concert program in New York 
Location New York 
13 Jul 1769:33 (1384)
By permission of his Excellency the Governor, the last
night.  On Friday evening the fourteenth instant.  A vocal
entertainment, at Mr. Burns's Long Room.  
Act 1st. A Pastoral, by Mr. Warwell. Come rouse Brother
Sportsman, (a Hunting Song) by Mr. Hudgson.  Bright author
of my present Flame, by Mr. Warwell.  
Act 2d.  May Eve; or Kate of Aberdeen, by Mr. Hudgson.  A
Song in the Anacreontick Taste, by Mr. Warwell.  The Jest,
set by Mr. Michael Arne, by Mr. Hudgson.  
Act 3d.  A Cantata, by Mr. Warwell.  A Song, by Mr. Hudgson. 
A Duett, by Mr. Warweel, and Mr. Hudgson   
Tickets to be had at Mr. Burns's Tavern, at five shillings
each.  No person to be admitted without a ticket.  To begin
at half an hour after seven o'clock.

Generic Title New York Journal-New York 
Date 1769.07.13 
Publisher Holt, John 
City, State New York, NY 
Year 1769 
Bibliography B0028559
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