Citation - New York Journal-New York: 1769.05.25

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Index Entry American Company, announces performance in New York 
Location New York 
25 May 1769:33 (1377)
By permission of his Excellency the Governor. (Not acted
this season.) For the benefit of Mrs. Douglass. By the
American Company, at the Theatre, in John-Street, this
evening, being Thursday the 25th of May, The Tragical
History of 
King Richard III.
Containing the distresses, and death of King Henry VI.--The
artful acquisition of the crown by Richard.--The inhuman
murder of the young King Edward V and his brother the Duke
of York, in the Tower--The Fall of the Duke of Buckingham.--
The landing of the Earl of Richmond, at Milford Haven;--and
the death of King Richard, in the decisive battle of
Bosworth-Field, being the last that was fought between the
Houses of York and Lancaster:  With many other historical
With entertainments, viz.--End of the play--Thro' the Wood
Laddie, in character, by Miss Wainwright---After which, Mr.
Douglas, will exhibit (from the Lecture upon Heads.) The
Head of a Lawyer, and pronounce an oration in praise of the
law; with a humourous law-case, Daniel Versus Dishclout.
A minuet by Mr. Hallam, and Miss Hallam.
Then Miss Hallam will sing, Vain is Beauty's gaudy Flower,
from the Oratorio of Judith, 
To which will be added, 
Love A-La-Mode. 
As Mrs. Douglass's ill state of health prevents her from
waiting on the ladies, she humbly hopes they will excuse a
personal application, and favour her with their company. 
Tickets to be had at H. Gaine's, in Hanover-Square; John
Patridge, at the Theatre, and of Mrs. Douglass.

Generic Title New York Journal-New York 
Date 1769.05.25 
Publisher Holt, John 
City, State New York, NY 
Year 1769 
Bibliography B0028552
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