Citation - New York Journal-New York: 1768.04.21

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Index Entry Actor, Cheer, Miss, to play Indiana in Conscious Lovers [t] 
Location New York 
21 Apr 1768:33 (1320)
By permission of his Excellency the Governor.  For the
benefit of Mr. Morris.  By the American Company. At the
Theatre in John-Street, this evening, being the 21st of
April, will be presented, a comedy, call'd 
The Conscious Lovers.
Young Bevil, by Mr. Hallam,  Scaland, by Mr. Douglass, 
Myrtle, by Mr. Wall,  Sir John Bevil, by Mr. Henry, 
Cimberton, by Mr. Greville,  Humphrey, by Mr. Tomlinson, 
Daniel, by Mr. Roberts,  Tom, by Mr. Morris,  Phillis, by
Mrs. Harman,  Mrs. Sealand, by Miss Wainwright,  Isabella,
by Miss Storer,  Lucinda, by Miss Hallam,  Indiana, by Miss
Cheer. In act Second, singing by Mr. Woolls. 
Before the farce, a prologue will be spoken by Mr. Morris,
in the character of a drunken sailor.
To which will be added, never acted here, a dramatic novel,
Polly Honeycomb.
Mr. Honeycomb, by Mr. Morris,  Scribble (with the Prologue)
by Mr. Wall,  Ledger, by Mr. Tomlinson,  Polly Honeycomb, by
Miss Wainwright. 
To begin exactly at half after six o'clock. Vivant Rex &
Regina.  No person on any pretence whatsoever, can be
admitted behind the scenes. Tickets, to be had at the usual
places, and of Mr. Morris, at the Theatre.  Boxes, 8s. Pit,
5s. Gallery, 3s.

Generic Title New York Journal-New York 
Date 1768.04.21 
Publisher Holt, John 
City, State New York, NY 
Year 1768 
Bibliography B0028483
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