Citation - New York Gazette & Weekly Post Boy: 1770.09.10

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Index Entry Deserter, British fifer, named Simpson, William, plays flute, violin, horn 
Location Perth Amboy 
10 Sep 1770:33 (1445)
Perth Amboy, New-Jersey, Sept.6, 1770. Deserted from the
29th regiment of foot, William Simpson, fifer, aged 19
years, 5 feet 8 inches high, born in the regiment, streight
and well made, fair complexion, thin face. . . plays well on
the flute and fife, and plays little on the violin and
French horn. . . [5 lines] Whoever apprehends and secures
the above deserter, so that he may be delivered over to the
abovesaid regiment at Perth-Amboy, or to the commanding
officer of the 26th regiment at New-York, shall receive ten
dollars reward, on application to either commanding
officers. N.B. it is supposed the above deserter is gone
towards Boston or Halifax, having a brother in the 64th
regiment at Halifax.

Generic Title New York Gazette & Weekly Post Boy 
Date 1770.09.10 
Publisher Inslee, Samuel, and Anthony Car 
City, State New York, NY 
Year 1770 
Bibliography B0027169
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