Citation - New York Gazette & Weekly Post Boy: 1767.10.29

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Index Entry Country dances, a good wife should be more fond than of minuets 
Location New York 
29 Oct 1767:11,12 (1295) 
The Mental and Personal Qualifications of a Good Wife.
  . . . [20 lines]
  A more than a tolerable good voice, and a little ear for
music, and capability of singing a canzonet, or a song (in
company) but no peculiar and intimate acquaintance with
minims, crotchets, quavers, &c.
  No enthusiasm for the guitar.
  Ready at her needle, but more devoted to plain-work than
to fine.
  . . . [6 lines]
  Fonder of country dances than Minuets.
  . . . [7 more lines, signed]  Solus et Innuptus

Generic Title New York Gazette & Weekly Post Boy 
Date 1767.10.29 
Publisher Parker, James 
City, State New York, NY 
Year 1767 
Bibliography B0027004
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