Citation - New York Gazette & Weekly Post Boy: 1763.04.28

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Index Entry Bass viol, to be played by Dienval, Mr, solo in concert 
Location New York 
28 Apr 1763:33 (1060)
This day being the 28th instant, will be held at the New-
Assembly Room, a concert, of vocal and instrumental musick,
as a benefit for Mr. Dienval, Master of Musick in this city. 
This concert is to consist of two acts, in which the most
favourite concertoes for violins and German flutes will be
introduced, and intermixt with songs and solo's one on the
violin, and another on the bass viol, by said Dienval; and
as the performance of the latter, has not been heard in this
city for these several years past, he hopes it will add a
great deal to the satisfaction of the ladies and gentlemen,
who will be pleased to encourage him, and especially as this
is likely to the last publick concert in this season.  N.B.
The concert is to begin precisely at six o'clock, no body
will be admitted without tickets, which are to be had, of
said Dienval, in Broad-Street, opposite the Watch House, and
near the old City-Hall; price five shillings.  He likewise
intends to move the first of May, into New-Dutch Church-
Street, a little below the Sugar House; where he'll continue
to teach the violin, German flute, guittar, hautboy, tenor
and bass viol, in the shortest and easiest method.

Generic Title New York Gazette & Weekly Post Boy 
Date 1763.04.28 
Publisher Holt, John 
City, State New York, NY 
Year 1763 
Bibliography B0026770
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