Citation - New York Gazette & Weekly Post Boy: 1762.10.21

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Index Entry Ball, in London, at court, for birth of prince 
Location London 
21 Oct 1762:21 (1033)
[Upon the birth of a son to the Queen of England]
London, August 14.
We hear from Tunbridge Wells, that on the agreeable news of
the birth of a Prince, her Royal Highness the Princess of
Amelia ordered the guns to be instantly fired; the houses
and walks were illuminated; and there was a grand ball on
this happy occasion, which her Royal Highness honoured with
her presence, and the evening concluded with every
demonstration of joy. . . [13 lines describing celebrations
in London] on which his Majest and the nobility went to the
windows over the palace gate to see them, and joined their
acclamations on two such joyful occasions: from whence the
procession proceeded to the Tower in the following order,
A company of light horse attended with kettle drums, French
horns, trumpets, and hautboys  . . . [16 lines describing
marchers in procession] The whole cavalcade was saluted by
the people with acclamations of joy.

Generic Title New York Gazette & Weekly Post Boy 
Date 1762.10.21 
Publisher Holt, John 
City, State New York, NY 
Year 1762 
Bibliography B0026743
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