Citation - New York Gazette & Weekly Post Boy: 1762.03.11

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Index Entry Organ, in London, wanted by congregation, fund for assistance 
Location London 
11 Mar 1762:21 (1001
(The following from the London papers, is inserted at
particular desire of several dissenting gentlemen, who
approve of the use of organs in religious meetings, and are
pleased to find many of their brethren in England, are of
the same opinion.)  An organ wanted by a congregation of
Protestant dissenters.
It being reported, that a society of gentlemen in London (or
that some single person by his last will) had some years ago
set apart, and advertised, a certain sum of money for the
purchase of an organ to be given to the first congregation
of Protestant dissenters, who should choose to set one up:
The public are requested to observe, that a congregation of
Protestant dissenters are now desirous of having an organ
erected, not with a view to sing their prayers, but to
assist them in performing the duty of singing psalms and
hymns with better understanding and a more devotional
spirit, than has been usual heretofore; and also to excite
and encourage a more general union of hearts and voices,
when they offer up their public tribute to praise and
thanksgiving to God the Creator, and giver of all things.
   Any person acquainted with the members of that society,
or with the excution of the will, where such donation can be
found; and who will give information thereof in a line
directed to A.B. at the Rainbow Coffee-house, Cornhill,
London, the favour will be agreeable and thankfully
acknowledged by Five Hundred Christians.

Generic Title New York Gazette & Weekly Post Boy 
Date 1762.03.11 
Publisher Parker, James, & Company 
City, State New York, NY 
Year 1762 
Bibliography B0026711
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