Citation - New York Gazette & Weekly Post Boy: 1760.10.02

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Index Entry Drums, in Fort Loudoun, beat in British capitulation 
Location Fort Loudoun 
2 Oct 1760:23 (926)
Charlestown, (South-Carolina) Aug. 23.  ARTICLES OF
CAPITULATION, Agreed upon, and assented to, by Capt. Paul
Demere, commanding his Majesty's forces at Fort Loudoun, and
the Headmen and Warriors of  the Over-Hills, Cherokee Towns,
August 7th, 1760.
Article I. That the garrison of Fort-Loudoun march out with
their Arms and Drums; each soldier having as much powder and
ball as their officers shall think necessary for the march,
and what baggage he may choose.
. . . [3 Articles]

Generic Title New York Gazette & Weekly Post Boy 
Date 1760.10.02 
Publisher Parker, James, & Company 
City, State New York, NY 
Year 1760 
Bibliography B0026634
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