Citation - New York Gazette & Weekly Post Boy: 1750.03.19

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Index Entry Theatre, essay, supporting 
Location New York 
19 Mar 1750:11,12 (374)
Reflexions upon the stage.  Religion is so reasonable in
itself, and so capable of the most argumentative
vindication, that she disclaims the remotest appearance and
superstition, moroseness, and an unsocial unnatural contempt
of innocent delights, as auxiliaries to support her dominion
and grandeur. . . . But of all amusements, methinks the
noblest and most elevated are those intellectual enjoyments
which improve and divert the mind, without straining the
rational facilities.  Of this species is the diversion of
the stage.
. . . [article continues for 1 1/2 columns]

Generic Title New York Gazette & Weekly Post Boy 
Date 1750.03.19 
Publisher Parker, James 
City, State New York, NY 
Year 1750 
Bibliography B0026083
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