Citation - New York Gazette & Weekly Post Boy: 1749.01.30

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Index Entry Bonnin, Mr, performs with Perspective machine 
Location New York 
30 Jan 1749:31 (315)
Mr. Bonnin intended to have gone to-day to Long Island, with
his Perspective Machine, according to a former
advertisement;  but the people of all ranks and ages, having
taken the alarm, crouded so fast to him, that he had more
company to visit him last week, than he has had for any
three weeks together since he began to show, and which
encouragement, together with the cries, tears and prayers of
the populace, as he passes along the streets, to continue
another week longer in town, have at last prevailed upon him
to defer his removal till next week --Now this curious show,
is about leaving this city, it may with the strictest
justice be said, that there never was any entertainment in
it, of so pleasing or of so instructive a nature; nor which
met with so general an approbation.  There are such vast
varieties of delightful prospects, that let a man or woman's
taste be what it will, they cannot help meeting with
something or another fitted to give them the most delightful

Generic Title New York Gazette & Weekly Post Boy 
Date 1749.01.30 
Publisher Parker, James 
City, State New York, NY 
Year 1749 
Bibliography B0026024
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