Citation - New York Gazette (Weyman): 1767.04.27

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Index Entry Assemblies, in England, now held in every village, in essay on luxuries 
Location England 
20-27 Apr 1767:22 (420)
From Lloyd's Evening Post.  No people were ever at once
luxurious and industrious. To what a degree luxury hath
spread itself through the nation, is but too visible: Every
village must now have a public assembly; every
handicraftsman must have his horse and country house; and
every tradesman's wife her routs. Singing, dancing,
fiddling, gaming, are no longer amusements, but the serious
business of the day. Matches at cards are now made for every
day, for a month or two to come, Sunday not excepted; Miss,
before she arrives in her teens, must be instructed in
Hoyle. Are not the card-tables encompassed morning, noon,
and night? Did I say morning? In that I own myself mistaken,
and ask pardon; for the sun's rising is the time of going to
. . . [15 lines on the evils of gaming]
[signed] Britannicus.

Generic Title New York Gazette (Weyman) 
Date 1767.04.27 
Publisher Weyman, William 
City, State New York, NY 
Year 1767 
Bibliography B0028355
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