Citation - New York Gazette (Weyman): 1766.01.20

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Index Entry Ball, in London, lady disdains to dance with tradesmen 
Location London 
20 Jan 1766:31 (351)
London, November, 1765.  A few nights since at a ball in a
large town within a few miles from London, a young lady, who
had a fortune of about 2000l. which her father had scraped
together in trade, was solicited to dance by a young
gentleman of good person and address; whom the lady
scornfully refused to accept of for a partner; and on being
asked by some of her acquaintance the reason of her refusal,
she replied because he was a linen-draper, and was
determined not to dance with a tradesman; which, being
buzz'd about she was obliged to sit by herself for a
considerable time, no gentleman offering his service, to her
no small mortification.  At length a young gentleman,
dressed like an officer, offered his service, which she
joyfully accepted; but after two or three dances, somebody
whispered in her ear, that her partner's father was a
butcher in such a market; which had so much effect on the
young lady's pride, that she fainted away, and obliged to
quit the room.  Some American fairs, follow their example.

Generic Title New York Gazette (Weyman) 
Date 1766.01.20 
Publisher Weyman, William 
City, State New York, NY 
Year 1766 
Bibliography B0028284
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