Citation - New York Gazette (Weyman): 1764.05.14

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Index Entry Castration, of apprentices, to qualify them as singers for opera, by farmer 
Location Salisbury 
14 May 1764:13 (284)
Salisbury, March 5.  On Saturday the 25th ult. was committed
by Charles Cox, Esq: and the next day brought to our county
goal, Henry Trimbrill, a farmer of a small estate at Kemble
near Malsbury, on suspicion of felony, in maiming and
castrating his two apprentices, one eight years of age, the
other sixteen.  He is a man who has assumed divers
characters to support a life of indolence and laziness;
sometimes he was a Methodist preacher, or an Anabaptist
teacher, but of late he made a practice of breeding up
bastard children for a stipulated sum.  Two of those little
unfortunates, both boys, he had endeavoured to throw in the
way of the small-pox, which not succeeding, his barbarity at
length suggested to him an operation that might qualify them
for singers at the Opera, and by this means turn them to
good account, should they survive;
. . . [6 more lines]

Generic Title New York Gazette (Weyman) 
Date 1764.05.14 
Publisher Weyman, William 
City, State New York, NY 
Year 1764 
Bibliography B0028218
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