Citation - New York Gazette (Weyman): 1762.11.01

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Index Entry Drums, in Havannah, beat in capitulation 
Location Havannah 
1 Nov 1762:11,12,13 (203)
By several vessels lately arrived from the Havannah, in
short passages, was received a copy of the Articles of
Capitulation of that place; translated for the business of
our customers; . . . Published by Authority.
. . . [Preliminary Article]
Article I. The garrison, comprehending besides the troops
belonging to the Artillery and Dragoons, the Militia of all
the places on this Island, shall march out of the Port Gate
on the 20th instant (if there does not arrive before relief
sufficient to raise the siege) with all military honours,
with their Muskets shoulder'd, Drums beating, and colours
flying, six pieces of Cannon with 12 charges for each, and
as many for each soldier, and the regiments shall carry with
them the military chests; besides which the Governor shall
have 6 covered waggons, which shall in no manner be
permitted to be registered under any pretence.
Answer. . . [4 lines]; shall march out at the Point Gate,
with two pieces of cannon, and 6 charges for each cannon,
and the same number for each soldier, with Drums beating,
colours flying, and all military honours;
. . . [6 lines plus 22 Articles]
[signed] G. Pocock, Albermarle, Marquis del Real Transporte,
Juan de Prado

Generic Title New York Gazette (Weyman) 
Date 1762.11.01 
Publisher Weyman, William 
City, State New York, NY 
Year 1762 
Bibliography B0028137
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