Citation - New York Gazette (Weyman): 1761.06.01

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Index Entry Anthem, by Lyon, James, of New Jersey College, sung at commencement 
Location Philadelphia 
1 Jun 1761:23 (124)
Philadelphia, May 28.  On Saturday last the public
commencement was held in the college of this city, before a
vast concourse of people of all ranks.  Besides the usual
exercises (which gave great satisfaction to the audience)
there was performed in the forenoon an elegant Anthem,
composed by James Lyons, A.M. of New-Jersey College; and, in
the afternoon an Ode, sacred to the memory of our late
gracious sovereign George II. written and set to music, in a
very grand and masterly taste, by Francis Hopkinson, Esq;
A.M. of the college of this city.  A set of ladies and
gentlemen, in order to do honour to the entertainment of the
day, were kindly pleased to perform a part both of the
Anthem and Ode, accompanied by the Organ, which made the
music a very compleat and agreeable entertainment to all

Generic Title New York Gazette (Weyman) 
Date 1761.06.01 
Publisher Weyman, William 
City, State New York, NY 
Year 1761 
Bibliography B0028059
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