Citation - New York Gazette (Weyman): 1760.12.08

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Index Entry Drum, of war, in bibical parody 
Location New York 
8 Dec 1760:12 (97)
A Chronicle of the War between the Felicianites, the
Gallianiate, and their Allies; and the Downfall of William
the son of the Lion.  Together with the book of his
  Chapter I.
1.  Now it came to pass in the Reign of Maximus the Second,
King of Felicia, that there were great and bloody wars; yea
insomuch that many empires, and Kingdoms were concerned
2.  For lo Peace had fled from off the face of the earth; no
other sounds were heard but those of the trumpet and of the
drum; of the roaring of the cannon, and the groans of the
dying. . .

Generic Title New York Gazette (Weyman) 
Date 1760.12.08 
Publisher Weyman, William 
City, State New York, NY 
Year 1760 
Bibliography B0028032
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