Citation - New York Gazette (Bradford): 1738.09.04

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Index Entry Kettle drums, in London, accompany fireworks at christening of Prince 
Location London 
28 Aug-4 Sep 1738:31,32 (668)
[Information on the celebration in London of the birth of a
son, George William-Fredrick, to the Prince and Princess of
Wales;  he was born on May 24, and a celebration was held
for the christning on June 22 in St. James's Square]
Open lights disposed in a beautiful manner, at the top of
which was placed a transparent star, and the whole crown'd
with the feather:  On wings which projected from the angles
of the obelisk, were various fireworks.  At the corners of
the base play'd four fine fire wheels, above were placed
four orange trees in vases adorn'd with golden fruit, which
built off in fire, while four brilliant fountains play'd out
of the midst of the trees. . . During the playing of these
works, were several discharges of fine roquets and cannon,
healths were drank, accompanied with kettle drums, trumpets,
&c. while the people, who were very numerous, express'd
their joy on this happy occasion in the loudest
acclamations. . .

Generic Title New York Gazette (Bradford) 
Date 1738.09.04 
Publisher Bradford, William 
City, State New York, NY 
Year 1738 
Bibliography B0027851
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