Citation - New York Gazette (Bradford): 1732.06.26

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Index Entry Ball, in Berlin, at court, for betrothal of Duke of Lorrain 
Location Berlin 
19-26 Jun 1732:11 (348)
Berlin, (A City in Germany) March 11.  Yesterday the whole
Court received orders to be in the late King's apartments by
six a clock in the evening.  The Duke of Lorrain was there
in a very rich habit:  His Royal Highness seemed under some
sort of surprize at the magnificence of the furniture, the
beauty of the pictures, and at the riches he saw in those
apartments, the two great halls whereof were illuminated
with wax candles without number.  The King and Queen came
thither at half an hour after six:  Their Majesties were
accompanied by the Prince Royal and the other Princes and
Princesses of the Royal Family and also by the Duke and
Dutchess of Beveren, and the Prince and Princess their
eldest son and daughter.  Immediately after, a large circle
was formed round that august company, which being done, the
Prince Royal advanced towards the Princess of Beveren, and
presented her with a ring valued at 24,000 crowns, and the
Princess gave him another valued at about 10,000 crowns: 
After this ceremony, which is that of the betrothing, the
whole court and the foreign ministers complimented the
Prince and the Princess, their Majesties, the Duke and
Dutchess of Beveren, &c. and their Majesties embraced the
Prince Royal with a great deal of tenderness.  The Count de
Schulenbourg, Major General, was immediately dispatched to
Vienna, to carry the news to the Empress, the betrothed
Princess's aunt;  and Col. Derschau was sent at the same
time to notify it to the Duke and Dutchess of Brunswick
Wolfembuttel, that Princess's grandfather and grandmother. 
This done, they began to dance in four quadrilles. The
Prince Royal and the Princess of Beveren opened the ball,
and after they had danced some time, they placed themselves
at a figure table, at which sat 300 persons.  The repast was
extremely magnificent, and served up in gilt plate.  After
supper, the ball was revived, which lasted till past two a
clock in the morning.  The King was in a humour that shewed
the satisfaction he had in the conclusion of this alliance; 
His Majesty embraced the Prince Royal several times, as also
the Princess of Beveren to whom he had the day before sent
presents of jewels, stuffs & laces to the value of 50000

Generic Title New York Gazette (Bradford) 
Date 1732.06.26 
Publisher Bradford, William 
City, State New York, NY 
Year 1732 
Bibliography B0027554
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