Citation - New York Evening Post (DeForeest): 1752.07.27

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Index Entry Singing, in Bristol, by condemned before execution 
Location Bristol 
27 Jul 1752:11,12 (277)
Bristol [England] April 25.  Yesterday about one o'clock in
the afternoon, Nicholas Mooney, John jones, and William
Cudmore, were executed on St. Michael's Hill, pursuant to
their sentences. . . [10 lines]  After prayer and singing
were over, [Mooney] deliver'd to the sheriff the printed
copy of his life, signed with his own hand; declaring as the
words of a dying man, that it contained nothing but what was
true. . . [1 column] 
   After the cart drew away, the hangman very deservedly had
his head broke, for endeavouring to pull off Mooney's shoes;
and a fellow had like to have been kill'd in mounting the
gallows, to take away the ropes that were left after the
malefactors were cut down. -- A young woman came 15 miles
for the sake of the rope from Mooney's neck, which was given
to her; it being by many apprehended, that the halter of an
executed person will charm away the ague, and perform many
other cures.

Generic Title New York Evening Post (DeForeest) 
Date 1752.07.27 
Publisher DeForeest, Henry 
City, State New York, NY 
Year 1752 
Bibliography B0025642
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