Citation - New York Evening Post (DeForeest): 1750.07.16

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Index Entry Comedy, Married Philosopher [t], performed in Hanover, King attended 
Location Hanover 
16 Jul 1750:31,32 (269)
Extract of a letter from Hanover, dated May 8.  The day
after the King's arrival at Herenhusen, a courier was
dispatched to a court in the north.  Amongst the important
matters to be regulated during his Majesty's stay here, the
affair of the investiture of the Princes and states of the
Empire, 'tis expected, will take up the most time.  The day
before yesterday, about five in the evening, his Majesty
came from Herenhusen to this city, where he was received by
the acclamations of an infinite number of people, who were
ranged on both sides of the streets thro' which he was to
pass in his way to the castle.  About six his Majesty went
to the playhouse to see the comedy called the Married
Philosopher, and afterwards returned to Herenhusen, where
his Majesty assisted yesterday at divine service, and
afterward dined in publick.

Generic Title New York Evening Post (DeForeest) 
Date 1750.07.16 
Publisher DeForeest, Henry 
City, State New York, NY 
Year 1750 
Bibliography B0025547
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