Citation - New York Evening Post (DeForeest): 1749.05.01

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Index Entry Band of music, in London, for fireworks, 100 of best musicians in front 
Location London 
1 May 1749:22 (206)
A Description of the Publick Firework, to be exhibited on
Occasion of the General Peace, concluded at Aix la-Chapelle,
October 7. 1748, taken from an authentick print beautifully
engraved in the London Magazine for December last. . . [12
   There are handsome steps, which go up to a grand area
before the middle arch where a band of a hundred musicians
are to play before the fireworks begin, the musick for which
is to be compos'd by Mr. Handel. . . 

Generic Title New York Evening Post (DeForeest) 
Date 1749.05.01 
Publisher DeForeest, Henry 
City, State New York, NY 
Year 1749 
Bibliography B0025492
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