Citation - New York Evening Post (DeForeest): 1748.12.26

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Index Entry Bells, in Zamose, rung to frighten locusts away 
Location Zamose 
26 Dec 1748:22 (188)
Cracow, August 27.  Publick prayers have been put up in all
the churches in this diocese, to beg of Heaven a deliverance
from the dreadful plague of the locusts; . . . [8 lines]  We
hear from Zamose, that a great swarm of these insects having
approached that town, they set all the bells a ringing, and
made a great noise in all the adjacent fields with frying-
pans, salt-boxes, butter-tubs, and firing of pistols, &c. by
which means they frightened them away.  But soon after a
larger swarm appearing, the same method was tried in vain;
the locusts divided into two bands, one of which continued
their flight towards Wilnozyc; but the other despising the
noise, would not stir till they had left some fields quite
bare. . . 

Generic Title New York Evening Post (DeForeest) 
Date 1748.12.26 
Publisher DeForeest, Henry 
City, State New York, NY 
Year 1748 
Bibliography B0025482
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