Citation - Norwich Packet: 1778.05.18

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Index Entry Drum, in Why-Mondham, in diversion of mock recruiting party 
Location Why-Mondham 
18 May 1778:22 (5/242)
[From the London Evening Post]  Tuesday being the 12th, at
Why-Mondham, amongst a number of droll diversions which that
town afforded, I was highly entertained by a mock
recruiting-party, which consisted of s serjeant armed with a
large rusty spit, a drum and fife and four recruits, with
each a label on his breast, . . . [signed] Viator.

Generic Title Norwich Packet 
Date 1778.05.18 
Publisher Trumbull, John 
City, State Norwich, CT 
Year 1778 
Bibliography B0033109
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