Citation - Newport Mercury: 1774.09.12

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Index Entry Amorous Buck...Collection of Songs [t], for sale by Bailey, William 
Location Newport 
12 Sep 1774:11 (836)
Just published, (price 2 s: L.M. in blue paper) and to be
sold, at William Bailey's hard-ware store, in Thames-Street. 
Miss Ashmore's favourite collection of songs, as sung at the
theatres and public gardens, in London and Dublin:  To which
is prefixed, the songs of the Padlock, Lionel, and Clarissa,
and many other opera songs, never before published.---
Containing, in the whole, near three hundred; in which are
many original, and a variety of other songs, by different
composers, which, upon comparing, will be justly allowed to
be the best of the kind yet published, and may be well
termed, the beauties of all the songs selected.---Also, at
the same place may be had, a few copies of the following
books.-- . . . Watts's psalms; Watts's hymns; Tate and
Brady's new version of psalms . . . Amorous Buck, being a
humourous collection of songs, toasts, sentiments and hob-

Generic Title Newport Mercury 
Date 1774.09.12 
Publisher Southwick, Solomon 
City, State Newport, RI 
Year 1774 
Bibliography B0032462
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