Citation - Newport Mercury: 1765.09.23

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Index Entry Bells, in Annapolis, toll for Stamp Act protest 
Location Annapolis 
23 Sep 1765:31 (368)
Annapolis, Maryland, August 29. . .  Monday morning last, a
considerable number of people, assertors of British-
American-privileges, met here, to shew their detestation of,
and abhorrence to, some late-tremendous attacks on liberty,
and their dislike to a certain late-arrived officer, a
native of this province!  They curiously dressed up the
figure of a man, which they placed in a one-horse cart,
malefactor-like, with some sheets of paper in his hands
before his face.  In that manner they paraded through the
streets of the town, till noon, the bell at the same time
tolling a solemn knell . . . 

Generic Title Newport Mercury 
Date 1765.09.23 
Publisher Hall, Samuel 
City, State Newport, RI 
Year 1765 
Bibliography B0032072
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