Citation - New London Summary: 1761.05.22

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Index Entry Assemblies, in London, King opposed to holding on Sundays 
Location London 
22 May 1761:21 (146)
London, Feb. 29.  Perhaps very few Princes in the world have
ever so many virtue, or much wisdom as his present majesty,
King George the Third. . . [26 lines] He discountenances
gaming as much as possible, hath turned some out of
employment for being gamesters, rebuked some ladies of
quality in public for having drums, and playing cards on
Sunday, and will not admit any person to court, who shall
profane that holy day by assemblies or gaming. . .

Generic Title New London Summary 
Date 1761.05.22 
Publisher Green, Timothy 
City, State New London, CT 
Year 1761 
Bibliography B0025209
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