Citation - New London Summary: 1760.05.09

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Index Entry Mulatto, runaway, plays violin, left handed 
Location King's County 
9 May 1760:42 ([92])
Ran away on the 15th instant, from his master, John Stanton,
of Charles-Town, in King's-County, in the Colony of Rhode-
Island, a mulatto slave, about 25 years old, about 5 feet, 8
inches high, well set, and has long hair.  Had on when he
went away . . . [3 lines] He can play on a violin, and is
left handed. . . [3 lines] four dollars reward . . .
[signed] John Stanton.  New-London, March 28, 1760

Generic Title New London Summary 
Date 1760.05.09 
Publisher Green, Timothy 
City, State New London, CT 
Year 1760 
Bibliography B0025164
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