Citation - New Jersey Journal: 1781.06.20

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Index Entry Drum, in Fort Granby, spoils of war taken from British 
Location Fort Granby 
20 Jun 1781:23,31 (122)
Return of prisoners taken at Fort Motte, May 12, 1781.
British. . . . 1 drum and fife . . . 
Hessian . . . 1 drum and fife . . . 
Total . . . 2 drum and fife . . . [signed] E.M. Hyrne. . . .

  Return of Military Stores taken at Fort Granby, May 15,
  Musquet cartridges 8928, musquets 192, bayonets 86,
cartridge boxes 100, rifles 63, flints 3000, pounds of
powder 120, pounds of lead 328, twelve pounds canister shot
20, drum 1, 2 pounds caronades 3, five and an half inch
howitz 2.  John Mazaret, F.C.M.S.  Published by order of
Congress, Charles Thomson, Secretary.

Generic Title New Jersey Journal 
Date 1781.06.20 
Publisher Kollock, Shepard 
City, State Chatham, NJ 
Year 1781 
Bibliography B0025016
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