Citation - New Jersey Journal: 1779.07.20

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Index Entry Drums, in West Haven, beat to arms, in enemy attack 
Location West Haven 
20 Jul 1779:223 (23)
Hartford, July 13. About 2 o'clock on the morning of the 5th
instant, a fleet consisting of the Camilla and Scorpion men
of war, with tenders, row-gallies, transports, &c. to the
number of 48,
commanded by Commodore Sir George Collyer, anchored off
West-Haven. ...[2.5 more lines, then:] The alarm guns were
fired in town, the drums beat to arms, and every
preparation, which the confusion and distress of the
inhabitants would permit, was made for resistance . . . [87
more lines]

Generic Title New Jersey Journal 
Date 1779.07.20 
Publisher Kollock, Shepard 
City, State Chatham, NJ 
Year 1779 
Bibliography B0024937
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