Citation - New Jersey Gazette-Trenton: 1782.05.08

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Index Entry Fiddle, played by runaway Negro named Peter, plays left handed 
Location Trenton 
8 May 1782:12 (5/228)
Three pounds reward.  Run away from the subscriber, in
Trenton, a Negro man, named Peter, about 5 feet 8 or 9
inches high; he had on a blue surtout coat, yellow worsted
under coat, brown jacket and breeches, and blue yarn
stockings, he plays on the fiddle, and uses the bow with his
left hand; he made his escape the 27th of March last, and is
supposed to be gone in the pines, as he formerly lived
there. . . [4 more lines, signed] April 16, 1782. Jona.

Generic Title New Jersey Gazette-Trenton 
Date 1782.05.08 
Publisher Collins, Isaac 
City, State Trenton, NJ 
Year 1782 
Bibliography B0024856
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