Citation - New Jersey Gazette-Trenton: 1782.02.06

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Index Entry Music, in France, terrible, in English view 
Location London 
6 Feb 1782:11 (5/215)
[In long editorial on attitudes toward American war]. . .
But we are apt to build our panegyrick of Old England on the
ruin and wretchedness of all other countries. - Italy is too
hot, the inns miserable, and the whole country swarms with
monks and other vermin. -In France the people are slaves and
coxcombs, the musick execrable;- they boil their meat to
rags, and there is no porter and very little strong ale, in
the country. . . .

Generic Title New Jersey Gazette-Trenton 
Date 1782.02.06 
Publisher Collins, Isaac 
City, State Trenton, NJ 
Year 1782 
Bibliography B0024843
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