Citation - New Hampshire Gazette-Portsmouth: 1781.07.23

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Index Entry Drums, in Pensacola, beat in British capitulation 
Location Pensacola 
23 Jul 1781:22 (25/1290)
New York, July 7.  On Wednesday a polacre arrived here from
the Havannah, with a part of the garrison of Pensacola,
which was surrender'd on the 10th of May to Don Galvez, the
Spanish general, after being 9 weeks invested. . . [9 lines] 
They marched out with all the honors of war, viz. shouldered
firelocks, drums beating, colours flying, and six rounds to
each of the troops. . . 

Generic Title New Hampshire Gazette-Portsmouth 
Date 1781.07.23 
Publisher Fowle, Daniel 
City, State Portsmouth, NH 
Year 1781 
Bibliography B0024499
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