Citation - New Hampshire Gazette-Portsmouth: 1776.11.12

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Index Entry Drums, in East Chester, beat to arms on enemy landing 
Location East Chester 
12 Nov 1776:23 (25)
News from the Armies.  Boston, Nov. 7.  Extract of a letter
from Camp at Miles Square in East Chester, dated 23d Octo.
Friday morning last, we were alarmed by the drums beating to
arms, and the enemy landed at Rodman's point (a place about
4 miles from our encampment) with their whole force; the
brigade under the command of Col. Glover consisting of about
700 man, one regiment being absent for guard.  We marched
down towards the place where the enemy were advancing with a
body of 16,000, with a very large artillery.  The first
attack was made by a small party, on their advanc'd guard,
which were effectually routed and forced to retreat to their
mainbody, who when they came up were fix'd upon by two
regiments:  advantageously posted by Col. Glover and Major
Lee (who behav'd gallantly) which bro't many of them to the
ground. . . [69 more lines]

Generic Title New Hampshire Gazette-Portsmouth 
Date 1776.11.12 
Publisher Dearborn, Benjamin 
City, State Portsmouth, NH 
Year 1776 
Bibliography B0024269
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